Welcome to my research pages

Marlène Mengoni, PhD MSc Eng, FHEA

Associate Professor in Computational Medical Engineering

Institute of Medical and Biological Engineering, School of Mechanical Engineering 

University of Leeds

I am interested in theoretical aspects of musculoskeletal tissues biomechanics with a fundamental computational engineering approach. 

My focus is on understanding and modelling tissues behaviour, specifically the prediction of occurrence and propagation of damage due to clinical interventions in view of possible optimisation of these interventions. The key approach I take is in careful verification and validation of models accounting for large variation in tissue behaviour and in anatomy within the population. 

I have collaborations within the UK, in Europe (Zaragoza, Leuven) and further (Auckland).

More about my research and supervision of staff and students here.

You can contact me for PhD opportunities in mechanics of musculoskeletal joints and tissues, an example of typical project is described here.

I graduated with a PhD from the University of Liège in 2012, moved to a post-doctoral position at the University of Leeds in 2013 where I was offered an independent fellowship in 2015 and a lectureship in 2019.

More about me here